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A Note From Teddy

Today we are featuring a guest author, Teddy aka Van-M Pop the Question:

Hello, everyone, let me introduce myself: I am Teddy, a sable and white male collie living at Prairie Gem Ranch in Kansas with the Cook family. I originally came from Van-M Collies in New Jersey where I was affectionately nick-named "Poppy". But, when the Cook family saw me, they said that I looked like a big Teddy bear, and that name stuck! I have a lot of friends here at Cook's Collies, but my best buddy is Bruce. We like to run together through the pasture, and we sometimes herd the goats.

The other fellows and I like to play games like "King of the Mountain" and "Follow the Leader". We had a lot of fun playing in the pasture this week. It was cold and snowy at the beginning of the week; then we had lots of mud to slide through after the snow melted - perfect weather for wrestling with my pals! Bruce and I have been around for lots of snows, but this was the first snow for some of the younger guys. It was funny to watch them trying to figure out how to bounce through the snow making a mound on the top of your nose!

Some of the other animals on the farm weren't too sure of what to do with snow either. A few of the calves bounced through the drifts kicking up snow with their heels. The horses tried to lope carefully through the pasture, but old Romeo slipped and fell on the ice. He's got a sore leg, but he's doing pretty well - he's just as hungry for grain as always! The pigs made a big bed of hay and didn't leave their nest much except to race around the garden a few times. The chickens and geese tried to stay inside away from the snow, and the cats snuggled down deep in the hay.

An armadillo has been coming around digging up the yard, so we have been on guard telling the boss whenever that armored rascal has shown up. Aaron, the boss' son, finally caught the armadillo under a tub, so the boss and Aaron drove him to the Elk River and let him go. But, if that varmint shows up here again, you can be sure, we'll run him off!

Hope this week is a good one for you all! Bye for now! ~Teddy

*Check out a video of me and my buddies playing "King of the Mountain" on the Cook's Collies Facebook page! (I'm the handsome dark sable fellow on the right!)

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